Sunday, November 4, 2012

I have a new nephew!

Hello Friends! I'm so sorry that I've been MIA from the blog lately but I've been working feverishly on a 30 card order for my co-worker. Whew, it's pretty much all of I've working on for the last couple of weekends. I'm almost done and of course I'll be sharing lots of photos very soon!

In other news, my sister recently had a little baby boy his name is Mekhi Samuel and he is a real cutie! I made this card for her shortly after she had him and she has it displayed in his room. I can't wait to meet him (they're in Ohio) but I will be traveling there real soon. I have a photo to share of him as well from Halloween.

Isn't he beautiful?! I just want to hug him and squeeze him, and kiss him!! I can't wait to get up there! Well, I hope you all enjoyed today's post and I'll be back tomorrow with a little giveaway so stay tuned! :-)


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Auntie! He is absolutely perfect!!

