Sunday, May 26, 2013

A BIG Announcement!!

Hello Friends! I hope you are enjoying this long Memorial Day weekend! Our weather has been perfect down here, bright sun and blue skies. We don't have much planned this weekend, I think we really just want to relax and chill a little bit. On Monday we'll be visiting our friends for a nice BBQ and that's always fun!

So, you may be wondering...what the heck is this BIG announcement all about?! Well, I have some wonderful news to share...I'M PREGNANT!!! This will be our first child and we are just over the moon excited! I couldn't be more happier if I tried! Our friends and family already know our BIG news as we're currently 18 weeks into the pregnancy, but I wanted to share this awesome news with all of you! :-) So, with that said, I will leave you with a photo
If you're unable to read the sign, it says the baby is a GIRL!!! How exciting is that?! I see a lot of pink in this little girl's future! My crafty friend Leslie made the sign for me, I just adjust the numbers and the update on the baby at the bottom, I love it! So, I try to take a photo every 4 weeks so we can measure the progression of the baby bump! Everything so far has been wonderful, I feel good, my spirits are high, and we truly feel blessed.
I hope the rest of your weekend is amazing, have fun, be safe, and enjoy the holiday! And as always, thank you so much for stopping by!
P.S. My plan is to get some crafting done this weekend, so I should have some fun stuff to share with you soon!

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