Sunday, November 23, 2014

Paige's first birthday party

Hello Friends! I'm finally getting around to sharing photos from Paige's first birthday party. We had such a wonderful time on her big day, and the whole day was just full of love, laughs, and fun.

I chose a book theme for her party and on her invitations we asked guests to bring he a book instead of a card. She received over 25 books!

I also made some coasters to put these little milk bottles on that I bought from Michael's for fresh flowers. I found this this pin on Pinterest for these old school book covers.

I love these coasters, but can you believe that I forgot to put the flowers on top! It was a crazy day! But, here's a picture of the flowers.

I absolutely love the subway art craze that's going around these days, so I had to get something for Paige because she's cool like that! I believe I found this on Etsy.
So, I have to take a moment to talk about her cake. I went to one of my grocery stores looking for cake to fit our book theme, but I came up empty. I went to second grocery store, and I was speaking to the bakery manager, and she told me that she had been working there for 20 years. She says "well, it's not in the catalog, but a long time ago we made a cake that looked like a book for Baptisms, and I can do that for you!" I told her that was perfect, so she took it and ran with it, and boy was I happy with the results!
And, a party isn't a party with favors, right? I made these 3D books (using my Silhouette of course) and filled them with Smarties - perfect for our theme!

And the finishing touch, the Thank You card.
Of course this post wouldn't be complete without a picture of the birthday girl!
Thanks for hanging in there, I know this post was longer normal! I hope you have a fantastic day!


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